Wednesday, December 05, 2012

JoAnn Watson: Thank you for your service

As you can see in this article (and please do watch the video), JoAnn Watson has publicly called for "leadership" out of Detroit's city government.  What is "leadership," you may ask?  Creating incentives for businesses to invest in Detroit and rebuild its woeful economy, and hence, its tax base?

Nope.  Leadership means going to Washington to get some "quid pro quo" in return for the city's denizens supporting the reelection of Barack Obama.  As she terms it, "bringing home the bacon."   She also gets in a little historical footnote, recalling when Mayor Coleman Young successfully, er, leveraged his relationship with President Carter.

Personally, I feel that JoAnn Watson has done a public good here.  Not in lowering politics to city-level electioneering.   But in being honest, clear, and direct.  Our politicians (the "good ones", anyway) have become paid actors, adept in obfuscation and half-truths.   I can live with JoAnn Watson asking D.C. for a Dem GOTV payback if it allows some sunlight into the dark back-rooms of the American political establishment.  If the American public is given enough truth, I am confident that this approach to politics (as well as other forms of radical redistribution) will be rejected.  And if not, the fault lies squarely on the shoulders of our citizens. Fox 2 News Headlines



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