Tuesday, June 26, 2007

An open letter to fence-sitting GOP Senators

I sent copies to the offices of these Senators this morning via www.senate.gov.

With the cloture vote set for today, we're running out of time to make our voices heard. You know what to do!

Senators McConnell, Bond, Brownback, Burr, Cochran, Coleman, and Ensign,

Take a stand and tell the American people that Republicans want security and a controlled immigration process. We already have all the laws we need, including the fence that was authorized by the last Congress. No "comprehensive" bill is needed. We just need to enforce the law.

The President has failed the country and his party on this issue, and I'm saying this as a lifelong Republican and former (and future) RNC donor. Do your part to make it clear that the Republican party has principles. That we're not just pushed around by the President's arm-twisting.

It's not anti-immigrant to insist on our laws being obeyed. We can even increase the number of immigrants that are allowed lawful entry, but not until the fence is built, and we can control who is entering the country.

Our best chance to recapture the WH and Congress in '08 is to show the American people that the GOP is serious about national security, which starts at the border.

Yes on cloture means yes on amnesty. And everybody knows it.

PS: Senator Webb isn't off the hook either just b/c he's a Dem. As someone who seems to possess common sense and ran on a platform opposing amnesty, I wrote him separately asking him to uphold his campaign pledge.

Hat tips:

RedState (includes Senator's phone #'s)

National Review


Fredo said...

Update: All the Senators that were fence-sitting voted for cloture. Meaning that with 64 votes, immigration amnesty will be debated on and the bill will get a final vote.

A sad, sad day.


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