Friday, January 09, 2009

Return of CASTING CALL!!!

L to R: Brian Fantana, Ron Burgundy, Champ Kind, Brick Tamland

Anchorman Edition.

So let's have it. Who are your picks?


Fredo said...

Fantana: ManBeast, always has the right cologne
Burgundy: Caboose, always staying classy
Champ: Caribou Express, already has the hat
Brick: Scoopy McGramps, who's the closest to a weatherman we've got

Plus, for extra credit:

Frank Vitchard: Beetz
Arturo Mendes: Fredo
Wes Mantooth: D.C.
Veronica Corningstone: SHK

dark commenteer said...

Those are some damn fine choices--especially gotta give you props for the expanded cast...

One problem though--I think of SHK more as "Tits Magee" rather than Veronica.

And just for completeness sake, I'm gonna throw in SingleWing as Ed Harken and Linderman as Tino.

SheaHeyKid said...

But why do I have to be Mr. Pink?

ManBeast said...

It's made with real bits of panther, so you know it's good.


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