Saturday, April 11, 2009


The last time a ship flying the American flag was hijacked by pirates was in 1804.


One has to wonder if the recent hijacking is related to a new sense of boldness by such terrorists now that Obama is in office, or if it truly is just a coincidence.

I'd like to hope it is the latter, and not a harbinger of things to come. In any case, it would be nice to hear more leadership from Obama on this issue. For all of my primetime TV viewing he's taken over in recent weeks, and all his efforts to constantly insert himself into the public eye, he has been curiously silent on this issue as well as the recent N. Korean missile launch.

I know other OccObs readers join me in hoping and praying for the safe release of the ship captain, and swift justice for these terrorists.


Fredo said...

Is it also a coincidence that the Iranians have announced the acquisition of thousands more uranium centriguges? That the North Koreans are lobbing long-range missiles over Japan and in our general direction? That the Russians and Chinese are scheming to replace the greenback with a new international reserve currency? That we're laying the groundwork to reneg on our promises to Eastern European allies and kowtow to Russia by abandoning missile defense? That our President is bowing before Arab monarchs?

O promised that other nations would not need to fear us. They are acting accordingly.


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