Monday, April 07, 2008

Condi gunning for VP

Supposedly she's interested in pursuing the nomination, according to this.

My biggest question is whether her association with the Bush regime is a pro or con. How many conservative voters who otherwise would have sat this election out would now vote for the ticket if she is on it, compared to how many more voters will the Dem nominee receive as a protest vote against "4 more years" of Bush? My guess is the latter group is much larger, so association with Bush seems like it has to be a negative in this election. In addition, the fact that she is intelligent, well-spoken, and good on camera won't matter if people have already made up their minds and don't listen to the debates (which is most people); she can't change the minds of people who don't pay attention.

I'm on the fence with this one. I think she has great foreign policy insight that would be very beneficial, and I think she carries herself extremely well. As much as I would love to see her on the ticket, my best guess is that all Bush-associated personnel are tainted this election and it's best to stay away.

[Here's a prior OccObs post on Rice as Veep]


dark commenteer said...

Cool--I think she was on my "Fredo Mad Money" list...already doing better than the last challenge!

Fredo said...

I've felt all along that Rice adds little to the ticket. Moderates/independents will recoil at her association with Bush and the initial decision to go into Iraq. Many conservatives will recoil at her lack of record on economic issues, self-described pro-choice position, and the perception (in this case, I think, unfair perception) that she is an affirmative-action pick.

So since Condi doesn't help McCain much anywhere, I'm pretty sure she'll be the choice.


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