Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bullseye for ManBeast

ManBeast writes:

...Pakistan is one of the scarier problems out there. The countries with which we are friendly, but who are on the brink of militant islamist control are worse than those that are clearly enemies. We will tip-toe around to try to keep them friendly and look the other way more than we should. As much as Pakistan scares me, India and Pakistan will probably nuke each other before anything else.

China really scares me. Taiwan is the Israel of the far east. Taiwan claims sovereignty, that we want to recognize, while China states that Taiwan is and always has been part of China. China is slowing building up it's economy and military. They're testing the waters using their main toady, North Korea. And we're funding it all. Unlike the some of other worrysome countries, China has plenty of diplomatic capital. When they are ready, they can escalate tensions very easily using Taiwan as a flash point. We won't get such a quick and decisive victory in any conflict with China.

Taiwan is the Israel of the far east. Hopefully that cold war stays cold while we're confronting Islamofascism. But if anyone's read Sun Tzu, it's the Chinese.



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