Thursday, May 31, 2007

Good news for Mitt

When Time Magazine, one of the pillars the leftist MSM, runs a headline like this...

Mitt Romney's Disappointing Campaign
Thursday, May. 31, 2007 By JOE KLEIN's pretty clear what's going on. For the Dem surrogates to bashing Mitt, 18 months before the election, it's a pretty good sign they're terrified of his potential. If Time Magazine really thought it had the goods on Mitt, they'd be hyping his way through the GOP primaries, just in time to slam him in the general.

Consider Klein's criticism: Mitt doesn't get detailed enough in his stump speech. The same criticism is offered 3 or 4 times citing various examples where Mitt "skims the surface" on issues instead of delving deeply. Um, if academic lectures made for good politics, wouldn't we have seen President Stevenson? Gore? Nixo, er, never mind.

Unfortunately, Klein's real criticism is with the fast-food approach to presidential politics. Mitt's a conservative, hence a realist, and will play the game accordingly. I'm not worried about whether Mitt (or any candidate) has a stump speech that is aimed at the common man's heart-strings, rather than the DC think-tank set. I'm concerned with whether the candidate has demonstrated the intellectual acumen, executive prowess, and the willingness to take risks that differentiate great leaders from the pack. Mitt's in good shape on all counts.


SheaHeyKid said...

I didn't read klein's article, but from your description it's a baseless piece anyway. Mitt has been one of the more specific, detailed candidates I've ever seen, especially this early in a campaign. He was the first willing to sign Grover Norquist's tax pledge. He has been very specific about caps he will put on various spending. He has key topics outlined on his website. To say he is running a surface campaign is bogus, especially given how poorly the Dem Congress is floundering. If you want to see a bunch of people with no ideas of their own, aside from "we're not bush", look no further than the newly elected Dems who have failed universally to deliver on anything.


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