Saturday, May 19, 2007

This isn't amnesty: it takes a whole 24 Hrs to be immune from prosecution after applying for legal status

With a hat tip to RedState's Erick and thanks to fabulous Cato Byrne (Kate O'Beirne, if you'll recall that little MSM transcript SNAFU), who wrote a post at the Corner detailing the one thing you need to know about the immigration amnesty bill right now:

Bad to Worse [Kate O'Beirne]

Analysts at the Heritage Foundation have the current legislative text of the immigration deal and are alarmed at provisions they view as dangerous loopholes. They point out that once the bill is signed its language appears to create a "cease and desist" order on law enforcement given what looks like a prima facie assumption that any illegal alien is eligible for amnesty and can therefore be given preliminary legal status. Under the "Treatment of Application" section, once an application for the new "Z" visa has been filed, it appears that the government has only "one business day" to identity a disqualifying factor or the visa must be issued. And lots of provisions are apparently able to be waived by Cabinet secretaries so there's plenty of discretion for the next Clinton administration.



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