Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Making "bitter" sweet

Here's my crack at a McCain radio/TV spot to make hay off of Obama's "bitter" gaffe:

Do you believe in the right of Americans to keep and bear arms, as found in the Constitution?

If so, Barack Obama says you're just confused. With better job security, you wouldn't care about the right to defend yourself and your family.

Do you believe in God?

If so, Barack Obama thinks you're just desperate for something to make you feel better, since your pay isn't keeping up with the cost of living.

Do you believe in securing the border?

If so, it's because you're afraid for your economic well-being, and easily manipulated by hate mongers offering a scapegoat.

That's what Barack Obama says.

In John McCain's view, it's important to get the economy going so people can get back on their feet. But it's also important to remember the heritage we've been given as Americans: a legacy of freedom, faith, and the rule of law. That heritage is a gift that Americans should not, and are not, willing to sell off. Not for any politican's promises. Not at any price.


SheaHeyKid said...

I think Obama's comments should be an easy target for both Hillary and McCain, but I think it's critical to focus on the "cling" part rather than "bitter". Specifically, I'm sure there are some people who are bitter that they are losing their jobs, so there's not necessarily anything wrong with that portion of the statement (and in fact it may resonate in certain areas).

Where Obama is completely inappropriate and out of touch is when he implies that the people "cling" to guns and religion because they are bitter. First, it is a slap in the face to use the word "cling", it suggests a personal weakness is what leads people to guns or religion. Second, bitterness is certainly not what leads hunters to hunt and religious people to religion. If the Repubs play this up, and contrast it with Obama's truly bitter religion (Rev. Wright), I think they could have a HUGE winner in the heartland.

I can see the ad now, with a voiceover saying that "Obama claims bitterness is what drives you to accept God in your life. Perhaps that's because of the sermons Obama was attending." Cue in Rev. Nut Job and his tirades.

Furthermore, they could also point out that people are not bitter at immigrants (as he said), they are bitter about illegal immigration. A huge distinction which the MSM and Dems love to gloss over, but which is critically important in reality and something they can't ignore.

Fredo said...

Dan Schnur has a column up at the NY Times echoing your point:

So the more problematic language choice for Senator Obama was not the word “bitter,” it was his use of the word “cling,” which he seemed to use as a pejorative to describe why small-town voters prioritize their opinions on cultural matters like religion and gun ownership over economic issues. And when he lists religion and guns in the same sentence as his reference to racist and anti-immigrant sentiments, it becomes much more difficult for him to establish the emotional connection with working-class voters that he has forged with the more upscale and academically oriented portions of the Democratic primary electorate.

SheaHeyKid said...

Thanks for the link. Seems like Schnur must be a follower of OccObs.

Fredo said...

One of many, SHK, one of many.


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