Monday, February 02, 2009

Are we now more liberal than the French?

Apparently so...

LYON: Prime Minister François Fillon on Monday rejected demands that the French government seek to stimulate consumer spending, rather than follow his plan to stimulate corporate and infrastructure investment, to lift France out of its economic slump.

"It would be irresponsible to chose another policy, which would increase our country's indebtedness without having more infrastructure and increased competitiveness in the end," Fillon said in a speech in Lyon.


SheaHeyKid said...

Nothing like spending $825B on pork that will do nothing to stimulate the economy, only so that we'll have to turn around in a year or two and either have massive tax increases or massive inflation to pay for all this uncontrolled spending.

Fredo said...

By the way "stimulate corporate spending" is another way of saying SUPPLY SIDE stimulus.

I wonder if Pelosi will take to the well in the house to decry the Frenchies endorsing "trickle down" economics.


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