Monday, June 22, 2009

That's about right

If nothing else, events in N. Korea and Iran over the past few weeks have certainly made me into a believer that these are rational, respectful leaders with whom you could sit down across the table without preconditions and negotiate reasonable policies. Don't you think?


Fredo said...

This is all part of Obama's big gambit. Once North Korea launches on Hawaii, Obama is going to unleash a full scale military assault on Iran and N Korea as proliferators of WMD, and on Indonesia b/c he'd like to travel to his childhood home without a passport.

Due to his incredible diplomatic skills, he will then convince France, Denmark, and the U.K. to recolonize Muslim Africa.

Once the third world is back to having their resources plundered, we can set our sights on Hugo and Fidel.

Excellent, excellent...

SheaHeyKid said...

Yup, that dialogue coupled with no threats and pre-conditions sure is good stuff. Sign me up for an extra helping of that.

Fredo said...

Just perusing the Drudge links:

Al Qaeda threatens to use Pakastani nukes on U.S.

N Korea threatens to harm US if attacked

Iran's Revolutionary Guards say they will crush protests..using tear gas, firing live bullets

Iran starts airforce maneuvers in Gulf

And then, luckily, we get the money link:

Obama Rose Garden Press Conference Tuesday...

Whew! I feel better already. "Talkie talkie" sure beats "peace through strength."


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