Wednesday, March 03, 2010

For F's Sake

Will Paterson just resign already? First Aqueduct, then the domestic abuse aide case, and now these Yankees tickets--his latest ethics scandal du jour.

Between Spitzer, Paterson, the farce that is the state legislature, Wall St. scandals, enormous property taxes, and an incredible deficit, it is harder and harder to be proud of ties to NY. The state could use a massive restart button and a return to its heyday of the middle of the 20th century when NY basically had a monopoly on anything that was great, whether it was athletes, singers, actors, businessmen, etc.


SheaHeyKid said...

And of course let's not forget Rangel; the carpetbagging of Hillary and then Ford; Gowanus Canal; ...

And for DC's benefit, we've got to throw Omar and the Metties into the mix as well!

SheaHeyKid said...

Kuhn at RCP gives an even longer laundry list from the past year or so.


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