Thursday, April 29, 2010

BP Oil

While I generally favor additional offshore oil exploration, the recent BP Oil rig explosion is going to really set back the movement. It is also a slap in the face of another commonly-used argument, which is that since the US is going to consume "x" amount of oil anyway, better to have it drilled here since we use safer and more environmentally-benign equipment compared to other foreign countries.

One possible saving point may be that this particular well did not use a final, remote-controlled cut-off switch. The efficacy of such switches above and beyond the normal safety mechanisms is apparently unclear, but may be the one argument that could be used to save the cause for more offshore drilling. Otherwise, this event may have a chilling effect on any near-term expansion.


Fredo said...

See, this is why I love this blog. I get a bunch of really smart guys to do my thinking for me.

Hadn't even thought of this angle.

But now that SHK has thrown it out there, I know the solution. Just tell the protesters that it's not massive life-threatening pollution.

Rather, it's free-form art. Look at the colors! Are you saying I'm not allowed to express myself?

SheaHeyKid said...

It took a few days to catch up to OccObs, but Brit Hume offered the same opinion on FNS today:

Today, on Fox News Sunday, Fox’s Brit Hume said that, while his pro-drilling stance has not been changed by the disaster, the spill validates the concern of environmentalists who warned that such a disaster was inevitable:

"Think about what the environmentalists have always said about this. It’s not a matter of if there’ll be a disaster of this kind resulting in this kind of offshore drilling, it’s only a matter of when. This verifies that argument, and becomes a powerful factor in the debate over what to do next. I don’t see any way around the political reality that this will set back the cause of offshore drilling in the United States."


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