Tuesday, August 07, 2007

An interesting demographic trend

It's interesting to see how some wealthy suburban communities, traditionally GOP strongholds, have begun to lean Democrat. Froma Harrop's article over at RCP makes the following observation:

The political shift toward Democrats has been noted in wealthy suburbs from Seattle to Philadelphia. In 2006, an amazing 63 percent of voters making from $150,000 to $200,000 chose Democratic candidates. Even those making over $200,000 favored Democrats, albeit by a small margin.

Will the Dems continue to embrace the Clinton/DLC agenda (balanced budget/targeted tax cuts/free trade) or revert to a more traditional liberal agenda as the one Edwards is touting (trade restrictions/pro-labor/cap gains tax hikes). They may alienate this newly found Dem voting block with the latter, but no one in the Dem primary process save Gov Richardson seems to be arguing for the former. Perhaps Bush-hatred is enough to overcome the self-interest of these suburban voters:

It's astonishing how many rich people dismiss the importance of the Bush tax cuts. They prefer to speak of the national interest, which to them means balanced budgets, a sophisticated foreign policy and concern for the environment. They also feel culturally estranged from social conservatives on such matters as abortion and stem cell research.

The Bush administration ends in January 2009. Will its departure slow Republican losses in posh suburbs? In Greenwich right now, things aren't looking up for the GOP.



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