Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

There's usually very little for me to resolve that I haven't already been failing at all year, but here goes:

1) I resolve to laugh out loud every time I hear the 'Bomba say he's going to "fix" the economy with higher taxes and more regulation.

2) I resolve to ignore Ahmadinejad every time he says he's going to nuke Israel. I'm pretty he sure he's just kidding.

3) I resolve to stop driving and my car and using home heating oil. With all these green jobs the Dems are going to create I'm sure someone will figure out how to move my person from point A to B, and how to heat my house without the toxic release of any actual heat.

4) I resolve to buy land high in the Rockies under the evergeens. With sea levels rising I might just get a bargain on oceanfront property.



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