Saturday, December 12, 2009


Yo, Fredo--here's what I was telling you about:


SheaHeyKid said...

I'm going to shove my anonymous foot up your anonymous ass if you post to this site again.

Fredo said...

Just so you guys know, I delete 30 -40 of those kinds of comments on the admin board every week. Usually they don't show up unless I approve them. Not sure how those posted straight to the site.

Fredo said...

Oh, and just about all of them have subjects or text in cyrillic.

Fredo said...

Hey SHK, when I hear that laughing, somehow I think of you watching Universal Soldier...

Fredo said...

DC-- I haven't seen the film, but I'm guessing it's made even more uncomfortable by the fact that he's a sadistic mass killer seeking someone dumb enough to give him a reason?

dark commenteer said...

He's actually stalking the prosecutor who sent him to prison and his family. He goes into the same theater as they do on a family night out and proceeds to ruin gets a lot worse from there, believe me.


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