Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Veepstakes 2012!

OK, contributors, round 2 of Fredo's Mad Money. As in '08, it is the veepstakes. I have no idea how we played it back then, but I'm going to go with a new set of rules this time around.

WaPo has a list up of 10 potential GOP veeps. The 11th option will be the field.

-Each person gets 1 pick.
-Each person also gets 1 date, the date that Mitt and his veep make their first joint appearance as a ticket.

You win if you pick the right person. If multiple people choose the right person, the date is the tiebreak.  Winner gets a hearty handshake, attaboys, and also bought dinner by the losers at a time we can get everyone together.

Without further ado, here are your options (ranked in order of likelihood, per WaPo's estimation):

1. Marco Rubio (Sen, FL)
2. Bob McDonnell (Gov, VA)
3. Rob Portman (Sen, OH)
4. Bobby Jindal (Gov, LA)
5. Susanna Martinez (Gov, NM)
6. Chris Christie (Gov, NJ)
7. John Thune (Sen, SD)
8. Tim Pawlenty (Fmr Gov, MN)
9. Mitch Daniels (Gov, IN)
10. Paul Ryan (Rep, WI)
11. The Field (i.e., anyone else)

Please make your selection before clicking on "comment" so that you're not trying to game the people that were more timely than you in their replies.


ManBeast said...

Bob McDonnell on April 30th.

They'll play it safe this time after the Palin sh*tstorm. It will be announced the Monday after Santorum loses Pennsylvania and drops out.

dark commenteer said...

I've been touting Rubio as the smart choice for quite a while now--which clearly means it won't be him (I'm not going to get into the iocaine powder conundrum here).

I love McDonnell so I don't want him running--he's doning good things here and I don't want to lose him as Gov.

I'm going to go with the field. I have this weird hunch that someone's gonna come out of left field, maybe Rudy? If the whole Iran situation goes full bore, I could see them going military as well--someone like a Petraeus.

As for a date...crap. My theory is based on chaos determining a candidate so I'll just have to be Reggie McRandomDay...let's see...how about June 6th.

Fredo said...

Beasty-- looks like it's you if he picks Bob before the end of June, me if it's July or August.

Fredo said...

D.C.-- I always like the Field pick. It says "eff all you fools who think you know something. Chaos baby!"

Fredo said...

Rudy, Petraeus, Condi, DeMint, Nikki Haley, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Santorum, Pat Toomey, Jon Kyl, John Cornyn, Bob Corker, Tom Ridge, Jon Kasich, Tom Corbett, Brian Sandoval, John Ensign, Bill Owens, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, etc. Plenty of "Field" possibles...

Fredo said...

Forgot Rick Snyder and Colin Powell (age 75) as possibles.

Fredo said...

Rick Snyder could be a definite dark horse.

Beetz McDogg said...

I'm gonna go field and september4th so we have something recent to discuss on our very cerebral scouting trip in early october

Raekwon the Chef said...

3rd of July
G-d Bless America!

Fredo said...

Wow, Field.
Lots o' action.
Lot o' action.
*Stares across the table.*

If Mitt goes "field," looks like the winner will be:

DC on or before 6/20.

Raekwon fron 6/21-8/4.

Beetz from 8/5 or thereafter.

ManBeast said...

Here's an out there field pick I've heard mentioned: Luis Fortuno, current governor of Puerto Rico.

He's got the plus of potentially helping with the Latino vote, but he's definitely got some minuses too.

Fredo said...

Fortuno is an awesome, smart guy, and an early Mitt booster. But that would be one pick that would really, really shock me.

Fredo said...

BTW, my Dad is on record as saying that Mitt will pick Christie. He's not in our pool, but if he's right, I'll still give him an attaboy.

Fredo said...

BTW, I wrote John Ensign above when I meant John Engler of Michigan. Ensign was the NV Senator that resigned in disgrace.

Michelangelo Merisi said...

My first choice would be Guntis Ulmanis, or his uncle Karlis Ulmanis, but my sense is it has to be Rubio - FL is too important a state and Romney has a need to eat into O's Hispanic edge in battleground states. this is not Bush circa 2000 picking up 3 votes from WY he would have won anyway - Romney is a consultant at heart and the consultants will take the lowest hanging fruit, hence my taking the chaulk. June 5th - after Memorial Day but before vacations start. lastly, the Portman listed above is the wrong one - i'd lay better odds on Natalie than Rob. she's into girls, after all. that stuff sells.

Fredo said...

Ive got you down for Guntis.

Fredo said...

Natalie Portman would be a fantastic pick, btw. She deftly handled the Trade Federation, assassination attempts, extreme totalitarian cult fanatics, and can dance ballet at high level. Also, she sets a fine example for the rest of us by eating a strictly vegan diet and defending the rights of animals.

SheaHeyKid said...

McDonnell would be the smart choice, but won't be made. I'm guessing either Martinez or field.

I'll go Martinez. For date, it's usually just before the convention in late August. So conventional wisdom would say aug 20 for max news attention all week. I'll stick with CW.

Fredo said...

Just got off a Skype with C.E.

He's in for Rubio for 8/30.

Fredo said...

Just realized that no one took Portman. We could easily all get punked with Portman unpicked.

Anyhow, figured I'd summarize the plays:

Fredo: McDonnell (July 1 or after)
ManBeast: McDonnell (June 30 or earlier)
D.C.: Field (6/20 or earlier)
Beetz: Field (8/5 or after)
Raekwon: Field (6/21-8/4)
Michelangelo: Rubio (7/17 or earlier)
Caribou: Rubio (7/18 or after)
SHK: Martinez


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