Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Huckabee Concedes

And, damn, what a speech!


Fredo said...

It was a good speech, and a good campaign. Huckabee really resonated with the populist, blue-collar, socially conservative, heartland and Dixie segment of the party. His message, delivery and personality were strong enough to overcome the massive shortfall of resources compared to the other 1st tier campaigns, and he is the only GOP candidate from this cycle who can really be said to have "exceed expectations". McCain met expectations. Mitt met expectations. Fred and Rudy (and George Allen if you want to lengthen the cycle a bit) woefully underperformed.

Huck's message will resonate going forward. The Fair Tax is a conservative idea that appeals to folks across the political spectrum (think Mike Gravel) because of its simplicity, and the pro-life movement is the more vibrant side in the culture war.

Strawberry Girl said...

Whether he overstayed his welcome or not, I will miss Huckabee.


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