Saturday, March 08, 2008

New McCain web ad


Fredo said...

I really like this ad.

The music strikes a serious mood, and McCain desperately wants to remind people that we live in serious times, with an enemy that is not just a nuisance, but an existential threat.

The “flying” theme, through the clouds, the stars, the cosmos, seems to remind us that the spirit of leadership, of TR and Churchill, is not bound in a past era. It also reminds us of McCain’s history as an aviator.

The overriding impression of this ad is that we need a leader of unique character and unbreakable will. The viewer is left asking, “who could better fit into the galaxy of leaders with TR and Churchill? Barry H. Obama? Or John Sidney McCain?”

I like that the fact that it concludes with the images of the 3 little girls. It makes for a nice flow from past (TR/Churchill) to present (McCain) to future (the next generation. It also serves as a reminder of our obligation to pass on the same freedoms and blessings that were granted to us.


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