Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ah, the good old days...

From Breitbart [bold is my emphasis]:

The California Supreme Court has overturned a ban on gay marriage, paving the way for California to become the second state where gay and lesbian residents can marry.

The case involved a series of lawsuits seeking to overturn a voter-approved law that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

Ah, yes. The days when the term "voter-approved" carried some weight. I can't wait until all the people's business: elections, tax rates, spending, etc., are all unilaterally changed at the will of the judiciary with complete disregard for actual votes, and the decisions of the people's elected representatives in the legislature.


SheaHeyKid said...

I'm sorry, you must have confused us for a democracy.

dark commenteer said...

As far as I'm concerned, let California do whatever they want. Legalize gay marriage--fine. Allow illegal immigrants--sure. Provide them with free education and healthcare--great. Welfare for everyone in the state--hooray. Give every sea lion a new hat--wonderful. As long as they do everything with their OWN FREAKIN MONEY!
No more federal funding for any of these projects. Same for the rest of the country. One of the strongest agreements I have with the traditional conservative line is that we should be shrinking the federal government. Let these goofy-ass states do their goofy-ass things but the onus is on them to fund it all.
Generally, the people in these states support these policies. Otherwise they would vote out the knuckleheads that create them. So let them reap what they have sown--along with the price tag that accompanies these programs.

Fredo said...

Generally, the people in these states support these policies.

Surprisingly, not even California voters are this liberal. Californians voted to declare marriage an institution between a man and a woman, and a gang of 7eggheads in robes declared the will of the voters was null and void.

Unfortunately, once appointed to their seats, judges only come up for a vote only once every 12 years in CA, so voters don't really have the chance to "vote the bums out." Sure, I guess a decade from now these buffoons might pay the price, but of course, by that time, there will have been a decade to solidify this new definition of "marriage" in the state. Good luck getting the toothpaste back in the tube after that.

When the voters voice is negated by a gang of elitist cheese-heads in San Fran, you no longer have a democracy. You have something else...

dark commenteer said...


But I did use "generally" for what it's worth...

Fredo said...

Oh, they're generally goofballs, no doubt about it.

Strawberry Girl said...

Now gay Californians will need something new to complain about. Any bets they will start whining soon about how difficult it is to obtain divorces and/or annullments?


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