Monday, December 04, 2006

How Am I Supposed to Live Without You?

Bolton is stepping down as U.N. Ambassador without ever getting Congress to vote on his confirmation. Maybe McCain and the other "Republican" members of the Gang of 14 knew they were going down. Let's see if the remaining R's use the filibuster on nominations as the Dems did. And if they do, let's see if the D side of the Gang of 14 still opposes the nuclear option.


Fredo said...

Republicans will never -- never -- have the guts to filibuster a judicial nominee with majority support. Mark it down. The same probably goes for other Presidential nominees, should Billary or Osama win in '08. The Dems have done it many times in the past 4 years, but prior to that, it was never done before in the history of the republic. If the GOP tried to pull that stunt, WaPo and the NYT would have screaming banner headlines about Republican obstructionism and would hammer the topic for months. When the Dems did it, it got cursory treatment and was handled from a "will it work?" standpoint, not the constitutional affront that it was.


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