Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rudy vs. McCain as Terror-fighters

Amplifying a point that has been made at OccObs before, the brilliant Ramesh Ponnuru offered this observation:

For a lot of conservatives, the War on Terror is paramount. That's why some of them are willing to overlook Giuliani's faults. But if toughness on terrorism trumps everything else, with toughness defined as competent execution of the administration's basic strategy - and that's the way it has to be defined for this argument to work for Giuliani at all - then McCain is hands down the best candidate. He has better national-security credentials than Giuliani, having been involved in foreign policymaking for more than two decades while the latter has barely been involved at all. More than any other candidate, he has shown a commitment to winning in Iraq. He has supported it, indeed, more vigorously than Bush has waged it, and he has put his career on the line.

This quote is from an article in which Ponnuru makes the case that McCain is worthy of a second look for conservative voters, and it's definitely worth reading.


SheaHeyKid said...

Good article, emphasizes the point we discussed earlier about McCain being the only truly seasoned foreign policy candidate.

There are definitely a lot of things to like about McCain; for me, the #1 is probably his constant call for truth in politics and elimination of pork in budgets. However, I disagree with his position on several issues and something about him just doesn't sit right with me. Maybe it's his over-the-top push to be viewed as the outsider not beholden to Republican party, or a sense that his position on issues is more based on emotion than facts. (I have nothing to support that last point, just a sense that Mitt and Newt definitely and Rudy to some extent seem to have a solid logic train to their arguments, which sometimes seems lacking in McCain's positions.)

Fredo said...


I know exactly what you mean. Perhaps is the way he gets loose with language, like he hasn't clearly thought through issues (I'm thinking here of his gay marriage flip-flop-in-5-minutes).

The one piece of McCain-hating I've never understood is the outrage over McCain-Feingold. I've just never cared too much about it. I know that's not acceptable among conservatives, but I just never got the outrage.

Like Rudy, McCain (while not my first choice) would be easy to support against a Dem.


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