Friday, October 23, 2009

Quote of the Day

And the NYT author must've choked on it while having to write it (last sentence):

NATO defense ministers gave their broad endorsement Friday to the counterinsurgency strategy for Afghanistan laid out by Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, increasing pressure on the Obama administration and on their own governments to commit more military and civilian resources for the mission to succeed... Although the broad acceptance by NATO defense ministers of General McChrystal’s strategic review included no decision on new troops, it was another in a series of acknowledgements that success there cannot be achieved by a narrower effort that calls only for capturing and killing Al Qaeda-linked terrorists. That counter-terrorism strategy is identified with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.


SheaHeyKid said...

Hmm, the quote of the day may already have been trumped.

This, from a prominent Dem strategist who is disgusted with the white house effort to discredit Deeds who will lose his race in VA.

"It's a goddamn shame when our center of government, the White House, won't talk on the record. I discount all of it," Saunders said of the Post article. "It's a lack of courage. And it goes against transparency that Obama told us last year was going to come out of the White House. Anybody who makes anonymous quotes out of the White House should be fired."

Fredo said...

I love this President. Willing to demonize and fight Fox News. But unwilling to fight the Taliban.

SheaHeyKid said...

It's important to have priorities.


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