Thursday, September 14, 2006

(Deflated) Air America

Could we be so lucky as to have the delicious joy of Air America going belly up right before this election cycle? Quite possibly, according to here and here.


ManBeast said...

Boo hoo...
There are some great lines in the second article:

"liberal radio net steals from poor kids"

"They only come to us when they're looking for more money"

Fredo said...

Give El Rushbo credit. He was never scared of the supposed "competition," and not just b/c AA & EIB target different listeners. He always says the problem with liberal talk radio is that they're no fun to listen to. They have that holier-than-thou liberal attitude, and couple that with the naivete of thinking the ideology can carry the network. They never understand there are actual broadcasting skills involved, and you just can't take liberal Joe Shmo, throw him on the air, and expect him to get ratings.


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