Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This doesn't taste like victory

By what framework can we possibly interpret Sen. Chafee's primary victory as a win for the Republican party? Going back to one of my earlier posts (Party of Two...), the answer is: in no way is this a win for conservatives, unless we care only about the Republican party itself (and even then in name only), and not the principles.

Great, so Chafee's win gives "Republicans" a chance to hold onto the Senate. But so what? Honestly, is a Chafee vote any different than a Democrat vote? Doubtful. Chafee has not only voted against every conservative principle (tax cuts, abortion, John Bolton, etc.), he even voted against Bush in 2004!

That the Republican national committee put in extra effort to guarantee Chafee's victory is exactly why I made my earlier post. The Republican party seemingly cares less about actually standing for the conservative principles on which it was founded, and more about just staying in power for themselves. Let's be honest: the Republicans are no more or less likely to get ANY of the legislation we true conservatives care about passed by having Chafee in that seat rather than a Democrat. Better to have stood for principles and supported Laffey.


ManBeast said...

Another reason for me to register as a Republican so I can vote in the primaries. Hopefully this nonsense won't arise in NY, but I want a vote if it does.

Also - Bolton is awesome.

SheaHeyKid said...

Anyone who sticks it to the UN on a daily basis is awesome!


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