Monday, November 13, 2006

A Real Plan for Iraq?

Paul Mirengoff does a decent job of analysis on a plan moving forward in Iraq (hat tip to Michelle Malkin). He clearly distinguishes between directed military operations and policing with a pragmatic inclusion of political sustainability.


Fredo said...

I'm not sure I see a plan. I see a renunciation of earlier goals in favor of easier goals. That's not to say there couldn't be a good plan to get us over a lower hurdle. Time will tell.

ManBeast said...

I see your point. But, if the earlier goals are widely believed to be unattainable by military leaders, doesn't it make sense to make a change? The most striking difference I see in tactics. An operation specifically directed at a known target is much more defined than policing. It has a clear beginning and ending. It also (hopefully) lets our troops actually fight instead of all of this COOing crap.


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