Thursday, November 16, 2006

So, Karl, what cost us the election?

As I mentioned earlier, Karl Rove is apparently waging a whisper campaign, blaming House Republicans' tough stance against illegal immigration for the GOP defeat in the midterms. Pat Buchanan puts the lie to that theory:

According to NumbersUSA, while Republicans lost 11.5 percent of their House seats, or one in nine, the Immigration Caucus of Tom Tancredo, the House hawks, lost 6.7 percent of its complement, only one in 16. Among Republicans given an "F" by immigration hawks, however, fully 25 percent lost their re-election bids, a bloodbath among the open-borders-and-amnesty-now crowd...

The neocons...point to the fall-off in the Hispanic vote for the GOP, from 38 percent in 2002 to 30 percent in 2006, and attribute the drop-off to calls for a border fence. Yet far more serious was the fall-off among white voters, whose support, as Steve Sailer of points out, fell from 58 percent in 2002 to 51 percent.

The relevant truth: The GOP vote fell 7 or 8 percent among all voters. But the seven-point plunge among white voters is more ominous than the eight-point drop among Hispanics. Why?

Because the white vote in America, 80 percent of the electorate, is 13 times as large as the Hispanic vote, which accounts for only 6 percent of all voters. It is the defection of its white vote that is killing the GOP.

The Reagan Democrats are going home.

If Bush and Rove think they can win them back with amnesty and a guest-worker program that out-sources immigration policy to K Street, they will end up doing for the national party what Gov. George Pataki did for it in New York.



SheaHeyKid said...

Not to mention that an overwhelming majority of Americans polled want a fence or other border security and a crack-down on illegal immigration.

Probably Bush and Rove are doing the math, and Bush is worried about his legacy. They know there are only two or three things they can reach agreement on with Dems and move forward: raise minimum wage, illegal guest worker amnesty, reshape some of NCLB / education, and maybe not extend some of the tax cuts. Unfortunately, most of these are LOSERS when it comes to the real Republican base.

They should be focused on: cutting spending, listen to Abizaid and create plan to secure Iraq and transition out, secure borders, simplify the damn tax code (move towards flat tax or sales tax) which has been proven to RAISE tax revenues (even while lowering rates) time and again since people can't find loopholes, lay down the law with Iran and N. Korea, force other countries in Middle East and Asia to step up and take ownership of those situations, attack health care/SS, ...

These would all be WINNERS, not just for Republican base, but importantly for Independents.


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