Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Dems target Mitt

Gov. Romney becomes the first GOP Presidential contender to rate a website set up by the Dems specifically to smear him. The BloGlo has the story here.

The jury's still out on whether these kinds of attacks help or hurt Mitt in the primary, but I don't think they'll be effective in the general. GOP voters will be able to pull the lever for Mitt because he toes the line on every major issue, from taxes to social issues to health care (where he out-Rudy'd Rudy). Sure, some GOP'ers who want to see cradle-to-grave consistency might have to hold their noses, but they'll do it when hillary or O!Bama is the alternative.

At the same time, moderate "swing" voters are generally flip-floppers themselves, so I don't think all this historical review is going to pertinent to them. Especially when you look at the specifics on the web site. All the '02 campaign ads are easily dismissed as "doing what I had to do running in MA", and the "rap sheet" is laughable! Oooohh, Mitt and his college buddies got in trouble for sledding down some hills. Wonder how that'll compare to Hsu-gate, file-gate, travel-gate, Whitewater, futures-gate, cover-for-Bill's-infidelities-gate, Foster-gate, Health Care Failure-gate, and Hill's 60's radicalism.



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