Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mitt on the specifics

The Romney campaign has unveiled a 70 page compendium of their policy recommendations. I haven't read it yet but will be this evening (well, I'll skim it, anyway). Check it out.

His introductory letter outlines what he calls his "core principles." They are:

 Our military superiority cannot be compromised

 Our government must remain federalist and governing should be conducted as close to the people as possible. Washington today is not the solution, it is part of the problem

 Money and resources are best used when they remain in the hands of the people. A competitive America is one where taxes are low and government is small

 Free market principles built the American economy. Unleashing the power of free markets is key to our economic future

 Culture determines the strength of a nation. American values must be cherished and developed in each generation

 Government should be accountable and transparent. Government service is a privilege and government officials should be held to the highest ethical standards


SheaHeyKid said...

Sign me up. These are exactly the type of clear, concise, strong statements that people can rally behind. I think he needs to pick three and hammer them home over and over, to define himself before someone else (or media) does.

Fredo said...

1, 4, and 6 will be the most effective anti-Hillary foils in '08, IMHO.


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