Thursday, July 02, 2009

My Absence

I've been absent from OccObs mainly because I'm so upset/jaded/disturbed/sad at the state of things. I don't think it can get too much worse in terms of people in power. I suspect the election tides will start turning next November. Things will certainly get worse in terms of the country/economy/terror threat, but I think that's the only hope to restore some sanity. It has to get bad enough for people to realize that Obama is Carter 2 - Electric Boogaloo, but much worse. When the out-of-control inflation hits, Iran and Israel nuke each other, China pwns our economy totally, the New York Times becomes a weekly and some other predictable stuff happens, I hope people will WAKE THE HELL UP!

I'm back and ranting.


Fredo said...

I think we're all going through it. Sometimes it feels like a dreamscape. You know what I mean? It's like the American people are the folks you pass on the street in a nightmare. You're busy running for cover, and you can't figure out why none of them seem to notice the approaching legion of flesh eating orcs that are right up the road.

SheaHeyKid said...

Welcome back MB!

Here's the upside of rabid liberalism gone wild. The more leftist Obama and Congress are, the faster we get Repubs back in to balance things out.

One only hopes that none of the damage inflicted in the meantime is permanent, and can be undone by good policies in the next administration.


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