Thursday, January 25, 2007

Brownback responds

Here's a video of Sen. Brownback's response to those who were quoted as saying he was also a convert to the pro-life cause. In a nutshell, he's saying that he's always been pro-life, he just didn't articulate it that way in the beginning. Fair enough. So long as he's not flat out lying, I think this issue has been put to bed.

As I said before, I don't think Brownback has anything to prove to anyone on this issue. If you have any doubts, just re-watch the Alito SJC hearings. If anyone wants to borrow all 7 VHS tapes, drop me a line and I'll get them to you.

I wish Leon Wolf would get off his high horse and quit it with the snide insults to Romney supporters, though. Are the Brownback/Hucakbee guys going to act like MoveOn types from here on out? What's next, "Mitt Lied, Babies Died"?



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