Thursday, January 25, 2007

Brownback's stance

If these assertions are true, it means that Brownback wasn't always pro-life (or at least as adamant about it as he'd currently like you to believe). If so, it completely negates his major knock against Romney, and should only fuel those who are currently on the fence to join the Romney camp.


Fredo said...

One would think that Brownback supporters would realize that someone can convert to the pro-life movement, and that doesn't make them any less believable or less of an effective advocate than those who've always been pro-life. After all, the same was true of Reagan and, as you have mentioned, Sam himself.

That said, Brownback has earned his bona fides with years of consistent, visible service for the prolife agenda in the U.S. Senate.

Brownback supporters can say, "our guy has done more for the pro-life movement than your guy." But they can't say, "your guy has changed his position and our guy hasn't."

And most importantly, this election isn't about who has done more for the pro-life agenda in the past, it's about who will be able to do more to further the goals of life (as a GOP presidential candidate) in the future.


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