Tuesday, April 17, 2007

For the sake of his sorrowful passion,

have Mercy on us and on the whole world.

Folks often pray for the intercession of St. Joseph that they may avoid a sudden death, and this sad situation reminds me why. I, for one, don't feel remotely prepared to answer to the Judge of All for my actions in this world; and while no one is going to confuse me with Padre (St.) Pio, the college version of Fredo was in a much, much worse place. I pray for all the victims of this vicious murderer, and hope they were more prepared than I to answer for their deeds and omissions. If not, may we all pray to our mericful Lord that he looks not upon their sin, but upon their faith and the faith of God's people instead.

I'll be saying a Divine Mercy Chaplet for all of these victims today. I should probably be doing the same for the perp, but I can't go there yet.


dark commenteer said...

I am not a very religious man but on occasion I have found myself praying.

Maybe I am not a good Christian but I do not think a single prayer should be wasted on this piece of trash. Pray for the victims, their families, and while we're at it, for the country and our morbid obsession with cases like this (thank you MSM).

If the murderer's life was so horrible and he could not take being dumped by a college girlfriend and decided, in his weakness, to kill himself then I might pity him enough to understand throwing a prayer his way. As soon as he opted to slaughter more than 30 innocent people any feelings of sympathy should be erased.

Bottom line (and I'll try to keep this clean)--F this bastard. I hope he burns in hell for the senseless pain he has caused.

Linderman said...

I've been thinking about the impact of gun laws on the VTECH situation but have only come up with the obvious observations...then I saw this:

"Writing last year about another dangerous killer who had been loose on the Virginia Tech campus, graduate student Jonathan McGlumphy wrote: 'Is it not obvious that all students, faculty and staff would have been safer if (concealed handgun permit) holders were not banned from carrying their weapons on campus?' If it wasn't obvious then, it is now. " See Ann Coulter's essay yesterday. Legislating morality has often been cast as a vexation of the right. When the left takes away a person's right to defend himself, people die.

SheaHeyKid said...

Without having any statistics to back me up, it seems on the face of it that gun-control laws will not accomplish the outcome that those who support them truly want. It will only keep guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, who otherwise could have protected themselves. I have to believe criminals will always find a way to get guns or other weapons, regardless of legal restrictions. Would stricter gun-control laws have made it harder for VaTech killer to get his weapon? Quite possibly, but I seriously doubt that it would have stopped him. Someone as intent on mass murder will always find a way - they're not going to let a little bureacracy get in the way.


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