Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Global warming

Well, whether or not human activity is a sufficient contributor to recent warming trends is becoming all but irrelevant, as numerous companies and individuals, most notably recently ConocoPhillips and Newt Gingrich, seem to be conceding the point. The trend for companies now seems to be: better to get in front of this issue and play a role in defining any legislation, instead of waiting for very onerous policies to be forced upon them. Certainly a good business decision if you are convinced that you cannot win the counterpoint argument (at least in the court of public opinion, which is apparently all that matters these days), which seems to be what they are saying.


Fredo said...

The CEO's responsibility is to his shareholders: what other option does he have?

SheaHeyKid said...

Absolutely. I think for me the interesting aspect of what's occurring here is a clear demonstration of the impact of the internet, blogs, wikis, etc. Specifically, corporations are now forced to react to information (whether factually correct or not: perception is reality on the 'net) that gets disseminated and snowballs faster than ever. Of course this is true for every public figure. In the past if a political candidate made a poorly-worded statement, most likely few people would ever hear about it b/c in the cycle where you only get your news once a day (newspaper or evening news), that type of thing probably wasn't sufficiently important to make the cut. But in today's 24 hour always-on-somewhere news cycle, everything is reported, and takes on equally important weight.

It's just interesting to look forward, and carefully understand the implications. Instead of having a window of time where responsible fact checking can occur as in the past, now the M.O. is to rush any breaking news out to be the first to print it, valid facts or otherwise. Also, will the mainstream public bother to separate "valid" news sources from anyone who puts up a web page? I could basically fabricate anything I want, put up a youtube video, and get guaranteed traction overnight. This really was not possible (or far more difficult) just 10 years ago. Just interesting...


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