Thursday, October 04, 2007

First there were clouds in the distance...

...and now it's starting to drizzle. We've known for some time that Mitt was going to get hit and get hit hard by the special interest groups who oppose him, some of whom may get backing from the supporters of other candidates. And now we see this ad from the Log Cabin Republicans lampooning Mitt's ideological evolution:

I've believed since early in this cycle that Mitt is the GOP's best choice, with the right combination of ideology and competence. And I still believe that now. But as the drizzle kicks in, let's not forget: a hard rain's gonna fall. If Mitt's candidacy drowns, we're left with the worst of two worlds: the Fredster (W lite) and pro-choice Rudy. If I could unite all the McCain, Huckabee, and Romney support behind one of those three now I would, even if it meant McCain or Huck and not Mitt. Alas, Mitt's in the strongest position of the three, but I'm fretting these ads will really damage him.


SheaHeyKid said...

It's tough to say how much of this gets out and damages a candidate. For example, I was stunned to recently see a poll that indicated that half of all Republican primary voters were unaware of Rudy's stance on abortion. If they aren't knowledgeable on this high-level, high-visibility topic, then what is it that they do know?

Fredo said...

That's exactly what makes these kinds of TV ads effective. Believe it or not, most IA GOP voters have probably not seen Mitt in the '94 debates. Maybe they've heard rumblings, but that's different than having a 30-second Mitt ad end with him stating "I'm for a culture of life" and then the next 30-second spot shows this ad.

It hits people at a more gut level than his opponents calling him a flip-flopper. How effective will they be? I guess we'll know soon enough, b/c I guarantee you these ads will be run ad nauseum, certainly by McCain, probably by Fred or Huckabee (if he has the money), and maybe by Rudy, too.

Mitt's in the unenviable position of taking all the crossfire from the right and the left.


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