Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A spot on analysis of where Mitt stands

From the AmSpecBlog:

When It Rains It Pours - Monday, October 15, 2007 @ 7:58:06 PM

Others have noted the rough patch for Romney --"in the ditch" Richelieu posits. It is easy to string two bad debates, a couple gaffes and a few less than stellar polls and wind up in trouble in this race. The test of a candidate is whether he can pull it together when things begin to go off the rails. He has assets, not just the bank account, which others don't such as business skill, a presidential "look" and a very fine political organization. But is he great on his feet and believable as a commander in chief? If anyone needed an "I paid for this microphone" moment it is he.

Posted By: Jennifer Rubin

Rudy has gotten some separation from Mitt (and the whole field) by appearing the most unflappable/in-command at the debates, as evidenced most clearly by his retort to Mitt when he was challenged on the line-item veto. Not only did he appear unfazed by the attack, but got in a good counterpunch in terms of substance. He calmly pointed out that the line-item veto as constituted then was unconsititutional, reached out to SoCons in the process (he got in the catch phrase "strict constructionist"), and scored points with the pragmatist (by pointing out he beat Billary in the process).

Jennifer's right: Mitt's assets are still formidable. I want to see that he can punch and counterpunch on his feet. Right now Rudy and McCain have been the best with that aspect of the debates.


SheaHeyKid said...

I think Rudy, McCain to some extent, and Newt (if he were running) would all hold an edge over Mitt in debates right now, b/c they are very clear and firm in their policy beliefs. This gives them an edge in debating b/c they can come right out forcefully with their position. I think mitt is still formulating his policies in certain areas, and as a result it doesn't come across as forcefully. But I'm sure that he will sharpen his position over time and - once combined with his charismatic speaking style - that should give him at least the ability to hold his own against Rudy to neutralize any advantage there.

SheaHeyKid said...

I think that while Mitt has a very polished delivery, Rudy is an excellent speaker in that he is very comfortable, relaxed, personable, and capable of really selling his message. He is perhaps the most persuasive of all the candidates.


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