Friday, October 05, 2007

The Times must be joking

Today's editorial slams Clarence Thomas's autobiography as hate-filled and vengeful, and unbecoming a Justice of the S.C. Look at a passage they highlight:

The level of hostility is striking. He grew up fearing the Ku Klux Klan, he says, but “my worst fears had come to pass not in Georgia, but in Washington, D.C., where I was being pursued not by bigots in white robes but by left-wing zealots draped in flowing sanctimony.”

Now, I haven't checked the archives of the Slimes (ht: Levin), but I'd be willing to bet at least 3 and 1/2 fingers that they were active perpetrators of the high-tech lynching that was attempted against Thomas, and obvious for its transparency. Justice Thomas had his character assassinated on national live T.V., and I guarantee you the Times was a willing participant by mimicking any spurious claims made against him. And now, the Times would have you believe, he's exhibiting improper behavior by expressing his anger at the experience.

I can only imagine how the editors at the Times parent their own children: "Stop crying or I'll beat you harder!"



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