Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fabulous news on the liturgy front

I just hope this means the pastor at my parish will now squelch the 7 PM youth-group rock mass (which oddly seems to have at its core a bunch of 50-somethings who came of age in the 1960's playing drums and guitar). I guess in place of a bad Cream cover band we'll have to settle for the timeless sound of liturgical chant. Hey, bandana boy: See-Ya!


ManBeast said...

Quod Deus eram gauisus

Fredo said...

I certainly believe you are right. And luckily the Holy Father seems to agree, which makes me feel I'm on solid footing there. [I immediately recant if anything I've written is contrary to the teachings of Holy Mother Church]. In his words:

"A Church which only makes use of “utility” music has fallen for what is, in fact, useless. . . . For her mission is a far higher one. As the Old Testament speaks of the Temple, the Church is to be the place of “glory,” and as such, too, the place where mankind’s cry of distress is brought to the ear of God. The Church must not settle down with what is merely comfortable and serviceable at the parish level, she must arouse the voice of the cosmos and, by glorifying the Creator, elicit the glory of the cosmos itself, making it also glorious, beautiful, habitable, and beloved."

-Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), “On the Theological Basis of Church Music,” in The Feast of Faith, pp. 113–126 (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986), p. 124.

BTW, a great link on the topic here.


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