Monday, October 30, 2006

Follow-up: The Real Problem with the War in Iraq

As a follow up to my earlier post The Real Problem with the War in Iraq, I'm posting a link to this Newsweek article that shows emails from a heroic soldier killed in Iraq. We need to untie our soldiers' hands and let them actually fight if we want a chance of success.


SheaHeyKid said...

Exactly. This is the problem with using our military essentially as a police force. With MSM always doubting the integrity of our soldiers and blaming them first, it's impossible for them to do their job properly. I agree especially with a point he makes in his letters: good luck prosecuting even WWII under today's media cycle. I doubt the country would have stuck with our soldiers and WWII if the coverage then was the same as today. Not that I'm suggesting that the situations between Iraq and WWII are the same - just that I think ANY war or rebuilding, no matter how justified, cannot be properly carried out in today's environment.

As I've mentioned before, I belive the only long-term robust solution to our safety and peace is to have relatively free, open societies, where citizens have a stake in the game (ownership of land, goods, and voting rights). That's why I was in favor of action in Iraq. I was (and still am) hopeful that if Iraq could be made more of an open society, this would be a force for positive change in Middle East. The difficulty is in the execution though, I'm not sure this can be implemented unless an overwhelming majority of the citizens are willing to fight and die for it, as during our Revolutionary War or Civil War. Unfortunately most seem apathetic at best.


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