Thursday, October 12, 2006

Good news in the '08 POTUS race

Former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, an '08 favorite amongst the Kos Kiddies, has decided not to run. This guy would have been a dangerous candidate because he could have credibly run as a moderate, and still have maintained Dem unity: for some reason he still seemed to have the moonbat wing (i.e., "the Democratic wing") of the Democratic party behind him.

One bullet dodged, one to go: if we clear Evan Bayh off the list of '08 possibilities, we'll have eliminate their two best chances. Of course, the field just opened up considerably for Sen. Bayh, so the probability that he'll run just went up. The rest of the '08 field? Biden? Billary? Gore? Kerry? I like our chances. Edwards might make a dangerous candidate, but it's going to be hard for anyone who was on a losing ticket previously, save Gore, to get traction with the Dem base. You know "progressives," always looking for the flavor-of-the-week.



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