Friday, October 06, 2006

Liberals who cry wolf

With a sombrero tip to absentee at RedState, this is one great collection of links.

The hypocrisy of the left strikes again. Jefferson doesn't have to resign. Clinton didn't have to resign. Reps. Studds and Frank didn't need to resign. But every single Republican needs to resign. What a joke.


SheaHeyKid said...

Barney Frank is the biggest crock ever.

Well, maybe 2nd biggest - he's not even #1 in his own state. That distinction belongs to the Senior Senator Ted Kennedy, who successfully killed a woman he was having an affair with, tried to cover it up, and has done nothing except get re-elected time and again since then.

ManBeast said...

How about Marion Barry. He was caught smoking crack. Not only didn't he resign, he was re-elected.

And how about Bill Clinton. One of two presidents ever impeached. Did he resign?



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