Friday, October 13, 2006

Gibson "clarifies"

Look, I'll lay it out there: I love Mel Gibson. Love Braveheart. Love The Passion of the Christ. Love his commitment to the Latin Mass.

That said, the guy's more primed to self destruct than a recording on Mission Impossible. Mel: if you're position is that Jews are the biggest problem in the world, you're not going to get a lot of backing among most mainstream thinkers in America. But if you want to stick to that position anyway, hey, that's your choice. But don't apologize for your statements, claim to want meetings with Jewish organizations to help you gain "sensitivity," and then offer this lukewarm pseudo-apology to Diane Sawyer.

"But there's a difference between saying that place is a tinderbox and the constellation of things happening there could take us all down, and saying the Jews are responsible for all the wars," Sawyer said.

"Well, I did," he said of his comment to the officer that night.

"The Jews are responsible?" Sawyer said.

"Well. Strictly speaking, that's that's not true

Strictly speaking? Let's not mince words here, Mel. We're not asking you what the definition of "is" is. Are the Jews responsible for all the world's wars? Yes or no?

If "strictly speaking, no" is your answer when you're contrite, sober and apologetic, I guess we all know where you come down on the issue. So stop the dance and admit it. Sure you'll be blackballed in Hollywood for the rest of your life, but at least you can stop blaming booze for your actual opinion.



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