Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Republican Conspiracy

As I read My Yahoo! this morning, I look at the top four headlines of Al-AP. They are as follows:

  1. North Korea agrees to nuclear talks

  2. Iraq to lift Sadr City checkpoints

  3. Wages, benefits up at 2-year best pace

  4. Saddam trial witness describes massacre

Ok. Let me see if I understand.

  1. We attempt diplomatic solutions - and we appear to be making a little progress.

  2. The Iraqi government is starting to take control of their own security.

  3. The economy is in great shape (due to the many tax cuts IMHO)

  4. The Iraqi people are trying their former despot

How will the MSM/Dems spin all of this to make Republicans look bad? Did GOP underlings hold back diplomacy with N. Korea until right before the elections? Did they collude with the Iraqi government to wait to make decisions until right before the election? The economy isn't in great shape despite every single indicator, so there's no conspiracy there.

Oh, and let's not forget that Republicans conspired to lower gas prices leading up to the election. What other horrible things like diplomacy and a strong economy can we conspire for now?


SheaHeyKid said...

Well, here's your first indication. Check out this MSNBC.com article (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15494100/)

It talks about N. Korea decision to return to 6-party talks. MSNBC writes: "If the six-party talks resume, it would mark a diplomatic victory for Beijing, which in the wake of the test had argued against punishing North Korea too harshly, in order to leave open a path for diplomacy."

WHAT?? A victory for Beijing? How about this would be a DOUBLE victory for US position. First, we insisted that all talks be 6-party, not US and N. Korea only, as N. Korea wished and kept pushing for. Second, we also insisted that sanctions would NOT be lifted ahead of talks, again in strong contrast to N. Korea's insistence that sanctions be lifted first.

Therefore, US won and N. Korea conceded on both of its major issues. Can MSNBC.com give the US any credit???


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