Friday, December 07, 2007

Buchanan listened to Romney's religion speech...

...and he loved what he heard. I haven't heard his speech yet, only excerpts, but from what I understand it was even better than people expected it to be. We'll see how this translates in Iowa.


Fredo said...

I was watching Harball last night, and Buchanan and Matthews were just gushing. Matthews called it, if I may paraphrase, the most important and meaningful address yet delivered in this campaign. I was a bit shocked that Matthews was so affected by a speech that claimed that "freedom is dependendent of religion" just as "religion is dependent on freedom." Grateful that he was, though.

Most of the commentary I saw yesterday was strongly positive, with EJ Dionne and a few others being a little more restrained in their praise today.

Unfortunately for Mitt, if the point of this speech was to woo evangelical Christians in states like Iowa, he's out of luck. Absent a faux pas, Huck's going to win Iowa going away. If Mitt can hold his strong lead in NH despite losing the first caucuses, which as recently as 3 weeks ago looked in the bag for him, he's still alive to fight in MI and SC. If McCain upends him in NH, he's done.


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