Tuesday, December 04, 2007

MSM Double-Standard (Episode MCCLXVI)

And a particularly grotesque example thereof. Especially in light of the Rep. Foley and Sen. Craig scandals that took place recently and the whirlwind of attention they both received. In terms of depravity and criminality, this episode probably falls somewhere in between the previous two. Rep. Foley personally placed young adults that were in his charge into danger. Sen. Craig was involved in consensual activities with other adults, though they were depraved. He made an arse out of himself and should have had enough shame to resign.

The current case, involving Sen. Cantwell's scheduling aide Mike McHaney, are scandalous and perhaps worse than Rep. Foley's, in that it was a boy and not just a young adult involved. Of course, Maria Cantwell can say that it wasn't her, "just a staffer," which is why she won't get burned as bad as Foley.

Of course since she's a Dem, she probably won't get burned at all. No questions for the Senator that a Republican in a similar circumsatnce would get. Questions like:

"What did you know and when did you know it?"

"Did Mr. McHaney quit on Friday, 11/30, or was he fired? Isn't it a bit coincidental that his employment ceased 3 days before being arrested?"

"If your office knew of his malfeasance, why was said information not passed on to the authorities?"

Perhaps there are legitimate answers here, but if it were a Republican, you at least know the hard questions would be getting asked. Other than Drudge, I haven't seen hide nor hair of this one in the MSM. Having looked on the front pages at CNN, MSNBC, and the NY Times, and the politics page at the Slimes, I've uncovered zero mentions.



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