Sunday, September 21, 2008

While McCain's done a great job as our candidate,

can you imagine the home-field advantage that Mitt would be enjoying on the "market meltdown" issue, had he been the GOP nominee?

I mean, total home run for him.

Of course, chances are the main story will be something different between now and Nov 4, given the attention deficit/drive-by nature of the MSM.


SheaHeyKid said...

There is no question that economy will still be #1 dominant issue in voter's minds on election day, and probably still headlining MSM. Mitt would've been an absolute slam dunk in this environment, assuming he avoided the obvious Dem lines of attack. They would have tried to either say companies like his (Bain) were part of the problem, or that he doesn't understand the economic situation of the common man, only the well to do. My guess is his team would have him prepared for solid responses to avoid this nonsense, and he would have run circles around both O! and the MSM. It's not too late to use him, McCain might be wise to tap him as a visible economic advisor.

Fredo said...

I think Mitt probably is going to distance himself from this ticket and wait for '12. He has already said he does not want to serve in a McCain cabinet.


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