Friday, September 05, 2008

Very, very, very good sign

Rasmussen showing that Palin is viewed more favorably (58%) than Obama (57%). McCain is also at 57%, while Biden is 48%. I think this bodes well, assuming she can keep it up. Splits in the article confirm she has clearly energized the base, which might mean more Repub turnout than Dem.

Her speech was an absolute success.


SheaHeyKid said...

Based on Rasmussen poll today and CBS poll from just before Palin's speech, Obama's lead is gone. Rasmussen has it 46-45 Obama, while CBS is 42 apiece.

SheaHeyKid said...

Another Obama friend bites the dust: Detroit mayor Kilpatrick is going to jail. Add him to the list of Rev. Wright and Ayers.

SheaHeyKid said...

And now gallup, which is a 3-day rolling average and only includes one day post-palin speech has it Obama 48 to McCain 44, down from his 49-42 lead earlier this week.

By next week McCain/Palin may be sitting on a 1-2 point lead.

Fredo said...

Agreed. One might even hope for more, as McCain's speech hadn't even happened yet when the poll was taken yesterday.

I home run performance by McCain might have led to a 5 - 10 point lead, but the reaction seems to be the speech was ho-hum, though it may have layed some important ground work for the campaign's next two months.

Fredo said...

Kilpatrick has probably single-handedly put MI in play.


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