Saturday, October 25, 2008

Boss Tweed update

As the Dems continue down the road of election-rigging, what with 200,000 questionable new voter registrations in Ohio and out-of-staters setting up shop just to swing the election, it's nice to see that it's not just outside groups like ACORN getting in on the action.

Nope. Members of Obama's campaign have been caught casting illegal ballots.

Luckily, AG Mukasey has done nothing about this, and the Supreme Court has said the state GOP has no standing to sue over voter fraud (while not denying that such fraud may exist).

And we know that Obama is using his massive funding advantage to gear up a huge legal apparatus for election day and the following weeks. Think Courts will be hearing actions to keep the polls open late in every Dem leaning district in a swing state? Think multiple states will be tied up in lititgation?

Last but not least, I have McCain lawn sign coming in the mail, but I'm not sure if I should put it up. I don't feel like having to repair damage to my car and/or house.

Welcome to 2008, ladies and gentlemen. Sounds more like 1917, but hey, what can you do?



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