Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Daily Tammany

Ohio: A park bench is a legitimate address for a voter.

Mississippi: Out-of-state or out-of-life doesn't bar you from voting.

ht: Drudge

Here's my question: if a park bench is good enough to register, how many New Yorkers, Illinoisans and Michiganders to you guess will be voting in Ohio?

Case in point--I signed up to get a text message back in August from the Obama camp so I could be among the "first to know" when he made his veep selection. I got my 7th or 8th text from his campaign today. It was asking me, as a New Yorker, if I was willing to volunteer to go to Pennsylvania. It didn't say that I should vote there, but I'm sure if a ballot and registration happened to be there as I arrived in Stroudsburg, their lawyers would fight to keep me from being disenfranchised.


dark commenteer said...

How great would it be if this plan works so well in drawing NY voters to PA that McCain actually ends up winning NY.

Ah, sweet irony.

A guy can dream, right?


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