Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Obama time?

That HRC might actually be on the cusp of losing the nomination according to her advisers is amazing to me. I really thought the Clinton machine would guarantee her an easy path to the party's nomination. I guess either people in her own party dislike her more than I expected; or they think she can't win in the general since she's too polarizing; or they are just buying into Obama's empty rhetoric.


SheaHeyKid said...

Good points raised by Brooks in NYT here about the realities that either Dem nominee would have to face if they became president.

Fredo said...

I am quite confident that HRC is only in this race because of the Clinton machine. Obama has beaten her in this campaign 6 way to Sunday, and she's only still alive because of a few well-timed tears. After today, she'll be in need of a miracle.


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